Saturday, September 11, 2004

Don't Cross This Imaginary Line

If the City passed a law that said you can only walk on your right foot or else pay a large fine, how many people do you think would follow it? To me, the leash laws are a lot like that. Yet surprisingly, most people are willing to obey even unreasonable laws. You have to click on the photo below to see the large version...notice the cluster of dog owners at Sewellcrest Park on last Thursday morning at 7:50 a.m. The field is entirely empty save for a few crows, yet the dog owners (it looks like they're in jail) are all in their small allotted space. This is a typical scene during "dog hours" ... the only people using the park are there with their dog(s). I see it a lot and it's both humorous and sad at the same time. This demonstrates how arbitrary the time and space requirements are. I'm all for giving preference to human sports teams and human picnickers, but why do we have to give preference to crows?? More importantly, it shows that if a set of reasonable regulations were actually presented (No dogs in play scape areas, groomed ballfields; pick up after pets, etc.), we could expect dog owners to follow them.

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