Thursday, July 15, 2004

Where are the people?

While speaking with dog owners at area parks, I've heard many descriptions of what the parks are like these days: empty, scary, eerily quiet. As one man asked at Mt. Tabor last night, "Where are all the people? It was claimed that people were staying away from the parks because of dogs, but I'm here twice each day and almost all of the people I see, if I see anyone, has a dog." 
I went to my neighborhood park, Colonel Summers, during what should be, if the dog hours are any guide, peak time: 5:30 pm on a Thursday. This is a large park, and no one was there. No one was playing tennis, baseball, or even basketball. Not one person. But this is not unusual. Come take a walk in the park with me (um...don't bring your dog, tho).
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